Hi, I'm Manuella, founder of Harvest Letterpress & Design.

I love the beach, getting creative and of course, coffee. If I'm not with my head in a stack of paper, I'm usually enjoying time with my family and dogs. 

I got married in 2019 and it was during the time of wedding planning that I stumbled across the art of letterpress printing. I quickly fell in love with this unique process and went on a search mission to find someone who could teach me how to operate the Original Heidelberg Windmill Press.

In 2020, I had the most incredible experience attending my very first workshop with a (now) semi-retired printer who had been in the industry for over 50 years. With this knowledge passed down, I have now taken it upon myself to preserve this special and unique form of art. 

With a history dating back centuries, letterpress printing incorporates the tradition of fine printing; handcrafting each piece, combining age-old techniques with modern design sensibilities. The result? Exquisite stationery that leaves a lasting impression for generations to come.

From selecting the finest paper to mixing custom inks, every step of the process is a testament to the pursuit of perfection. What sets me apart, is my unwavering commitment to quality and attention to detail. I believe that every project deserves the utmost care and precision. 

I can't wait to hear from you and create some special together! 

Manuella xx